Title: Medical Physics and Radiation Technology
Day: 1
Date: 18 November 2022
Time: 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Venue: Hall-3
Parallel Session: 12
Prof. Dr. kazi Manznur Kader
Dr. Md. Shakilur Rahman
Md. Anissuzzaman
Sl. | Topics | Name | Country |
1 | Determination of set-up Margin using IGRT |
T. Ganesh |
India |
2 | Quality Assurance approach for treatment planning and Linear Accelerator – An Institutional Experience. |
Karthik Raj Mani |
UK |
3 | Absolute Dosimetry Using EGSnrc based Monte Carlo Simulation Code and Comparison with Measurement |
Md. Anwarul Islam |
Bangladesh |
4 | Monte Carlo Dosimetric Study in Homogeneous & Inhomogeneous Media Compared with AAA & Acuros (AXB). |
Tanny Bepari |
Bangladesh |
5 | A State-of-the-Art Python Model for Breast Cancer Detection |
Afroja Nahida |
Bangladesh |
6 | IMRT and VMAT planning study for preoperative rectal cancer: Does the energy, number of fields and arcs matter? |
Md Akhtaruzaman |
Bangladesh |
7 | Measurement of Dose Distribution to the Lung, Stomach and Associated Risk Analysis for High Energy Photon Beam in Radiotherapy |
Md. Zahid Hossain |
Bangladesh |