Title: Advances in Haematological Malignancies
Day: 2
Date: 19 November 2019
Time: 10.30 am to 1.00 pm
Venue: Hall-3
Parallel Session: 9
Prof. Md. Abdul Aziz
Prof. Dr. Akhil Ranjon Biswas
Dr. Mohammad Ali
Sl. | Topics | Name | Country |
1 | Radiation Therapy in lymphoma- How much we need? |
Dr. Jayant Goda Sastri |
India |
2 | Deffuse Large B cell Lymphoma- An Update on Newer advancec |
Dr. Rayaz Ahmed |
India |
3 |
How we treated 78 hematological malignant patients during the COVID-19 pandemic at tertiary level hospital. |
Prof. Alamgir Kabir |
Bangladesh |
4 | Role of Stem Cell Therapy in Lymphoma- When and Why? |
Dr. Abu Jafar Mohammed Saleh |
Bangladesh |
5 | Evaluation of Effectiveness of Conventional Chemotherapy to Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Patients attending at NICRH. |
Dr. Salina Haque |
Bangladesh |